"An effort to understand the origins and workings of the cosmos has characterized nearly all religions throughout history...," Collins, 81).
Since man has been around, he has always questions where he came from and what his purpose is here. In primitive years, that was explored and made up through myths. Myths "explain origins, natural phenomena, and death; others describe the nature and function of divinities...They depict humans as an integral part of a larger universe, and they impart a feeling of awe for all that is mysterious and marvelous in life," ( Rosenburg, xiii). These myths have either remained as myths or have evolved into religions. When looking into different myths, you see more than life lesson, but you see what that culture thrives off of; what morals and their traditions. "Myths symbolize human experience and embody the spiritual values of a culture. Every society preserves its myths, because beliefs and world view found within them are crucial to the survival of that culture," ( Rosenburg, xiii). When man was primitive and had no idea where he came from, it was easy to point to a God and base a belief of of that. Based off of this, it influenced religion and sciences to help explore where man came from. Through man always having this curiosity in what he was and how he came to be, the creation of beliefs and theories formed.
"To put it boldly, science is the attempt at the posterior reconstruction of existence by the process of conceptualization. But when asking myself what religion is I cannot think of the answer so easily," Einstein (http://speakingoffaith.publicradio.org/programs/einsteinsgod/einstein-scienceandreligion.shtml) When asking a religious believer (a creationist) on their evidence for how to prove that there is a greater being; God, they said, "It can only be proven through the Bible and your faith." In the Bible it states that " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness. And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface. Then God said, "Let there be light, and there was light," (Genesis, The Bible). Even though this is stated and viewed as the creation of the universe by many people, what is the reasoning for people in believing this without evidence? When polling Americans in 1955, it was found out that 96% of Americans have faith in a higher being. Replies for why they believe in a existence of God in order of frequency was, "1) The order and majesty of the world around us, 2) There must be a Creator to explain the origin of man and the world, 3) There is proof of God in the Bible (or other church authority), 4) Past experiences in life give me faith that there is a God, 5) Believing in God gives me much comfort," (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,861103-1,00.html). Religion and the belief of a bigger being dates back far into history; having faith in a higher being is antique. Part of the reason why many people are religious is because faith has been passed down for over centuries through families. People have been raised with it.Through believers of God reading the Bible, they believe that "God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them," (Genesis, The Bible). Though religion is a belief and thrives off of faith, through peoples reasons in believing in God, the belief does not derive from facts; rather from faith. While sciences tries to solve mysteries, religion is based off of the human soul for comfort and emotion.
When having faith, you do not need to see to believe, rather through your faith and beliefs allow you to believe. As a believer "You hold fast to the concept of God as Creator; you are right to hold fast to the truths of the Bible; you are right to hold fast to the conclusion that science offers no answers to the most pressing questions of the human existence...," (Collins, 239). When Christianity started and people believed in God, it is said that God gave his approval to the people due to their faith in him. "By faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen," (Hebrews 11:3). Through miracles and answers of prayers, the existence of God has been shown to people as their evidence of him as a creator. In return of having faith in God and praying to God, your prayers can come to life and appear in front of you. Due to having faith in God, Moses could part the Red Sea and allow the people of Israel through the sandy surface underneath the water. When it came time for the Egyptians time to cross the sea, the all drowned. According to the Bible, this is through purely faith in God. "True faith is not based on empirical evidence but on divine assurance, and is a gift of God," (Hebrews 11:1). In order to receive Gods signals, you need to show you believe and have faith in him. Because having faith in him allows you to feel him, it is hard to disprove a God. "For if God’s greatness entails being invisible, intangible and inscrutable, then he can’t be disproved — but nor can he be proved," (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/04/magazine/04Flew-t.html?_r=1&scp=7&sq=god%27s+universe&st=nyt&oref=slogin).
Because God is shown through faith, and not visible, it makes it that more harder to prove his existence and prove creationism through God. The only proof religion has on the creation of the universe is through faith in God. With that said, you cannot prove God and the creation of the universe through him, rather instead, you have to have a personal experience with religion to prove God to yourself. As of where we stand right now, we cannot prove religion, instead we can just believe in it.
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