Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cited Sources for research briefs

Bibliography: Faith vs. Fact

Krauss, Lawrence and Scherrer, Robert. "The End of Cosmology?" Scientific American. March 2008: 46- 53.

Fox, Karen. The Big Bang Theory. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2002.

Collins, Francis. The Language of God. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 2006.

Lightman, Alan. Relativity and the Cosmos. June 2005, PBS. April 2008.

Venkataraman, G.. In Quest of Infinity- Part Two. February 2007, Radio Sai. April 2008.

Crowell, Ben. God, Evolution, and the Big Bang. 2002, light and matter. April 2008.

Holt, Jim. Beyond Belief. October 22, 2006, NY Times. April 2008.

Oppenheimer, Mark. The Turning of An Athiest. November 4, 2007, NY Times. April 2008.

Kastenbaum, Steve. At Synagogue, Pope seeks ‘Bridges of Friendship.’ April 18, 2008, CNN> April 2008.

Einstein, Albert. Science and Religion. 1940, American Public Media. April 2008.

The Proof of God. January 10, 1995. TIME Magazine. April 2008.

HOLY BIBLE: New Living Translation. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1996.

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